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2024年1月2日 星期二

Propagating the Nalanda Tradition: Venerable Geshe Jampal Chozin's Endeavor in Taiwan

        Buddhism is one of the traditional Religions in Taiwan. Chinese Buddhism was initially predominant, but Theravada Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism have also been gaining ground in recent decades. Tibetan Buddhism entered Taiwan relatively late, as there were just a few lamas coming prior to 1990s to propagate its teachings, due to past political factors. It was not until His Holiness the Dalai Lama was invited by the Taiwanese Government to visit Taiwan in 1997 that the exchange between the two regions was officially established. The Central Tibetan Administration instituted in 1998 “the Tibet Religious Foundation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Taiwan” as the platform to enhance engagements. However, the Foundation not only served as an official channel for dialogue and communication but also undertook the responsibility of propagating the Dharma, following His Holiness Dalai Lama’s instruction that Buddhism was a traditional religion of the Taiwanese people as well as his desire to systematically bring Tibetan Buddhism to Taiwan. The Foundation in Taiwan, as a result, became the only organization within the Central Tibetan Administration (the Administration) to offer local people with free Buddhist teachings and courses.


Ever since its inception, one of the Foundation’s primary tasks has been to develop Buddhism translation talents. The Department of Religion and Culture of the Administration in collaboration with Taiwan’s Fa-kuang Institute of Buddhist Studies began to send Buddhist monks to Taiwan in the year 2000 to learn Chinese, the most commonly used official language there. It was in this historical context that Venerable Geshe Jampal Chozin was assigned to pilot the exchange program.


Geshe Jampal Chozin came from the Salajey Monastery of Gelug tradition, having received 17 years of Tibetan Buddhism’s classic education with focus on sutra debating, "tsennyi" in Tibetan. Besides learning Chinese, Geshe both studied Chinese Buddhism and modern essay writing and taught Buddhism logic and rational thinking during his time at Fa-kuang Institute. It could be said that Geshe Jampal Chozin was the fruition of the first wave exchange of Taiwan and Tibet in modern times.


After finishing his studies at the Fa-kuang Institute, Venerable Geshe Jampal Chozin was appointed by the Administration to be the teacher of Buddhism at The Tibet Religious Foundation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Taiwan. The Foundation's offering of Buddhism classes, as stated before, embodied Dalai Lama’s compassion for nurturing Taiwanese people with the essential Tibetan Buddhism. He emphatically instructed that the propagation of Buddhism Dharma should take precedence over the mere performance of religious ceremonies.


Following His Holiness’s path, Geshe Jampal Chozin has conducted courses of Master Tsongkhapa’s The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path of Enlightenment and also expanded the curriculum by incorporating the syllabus of the Great Three Monasteries into the Foundation’s offerings. He methodically laid the basis for Buddhist studies by teaching a comprehensive range of subjects, including The Collected Topics, Presentation of Awareness and Knowledge, Reasoning Topics, Five Paths, Four Schools of Buddhism, and Eight Topics and their Seventy Subtopics.


With the completion of these fundamental courses, Venerable Geshe Jampal Chozin emphasized on teaching MadhyamakaThe Middle Way and Emptiness, in great length and detail. He taught pipuls in learning Master Tsongkhapa’s Five Great Texts of Madhyamaka: 1) Illuminating the Intent: An Exposition of Chandrakirti’s Entering the Middle Way, 2) Ocean of Reasoning: Extensive Commentary on Nagarjuna’s Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way, 3) The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Volume 3), 4) The Middle-Length Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment on Vipassana, 5) The Essence of True Eloquence. (The numerical order is placed according to the timeline of when Geshe held those courses.) Geshe, during his 17-year tenure serving at The Tibet Religious Foundation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, has faithfully fulfilled His Holiness’s aspirations by incessantly guiding lay practitioners in their in-depth study of the major scriptural texts.


One more mission shouldered by The Foundation is for Taiwanese to gain more access to Dalai Lama. In this respect, Geshe Jampal Chozin has undertaken the task of organizing and translating the teachings of His Holiness. These teachings are disseminated freely to the public in the form of books. Furthermore, he has led students in co-organizing annual celebrations of His Holiness’s birthday in Taiwan, volunteered the Foundation's events, and facilitated dialogues between Taiwanese scientists and His Holiness. Geshe Jampal Chozin has also provided simultaneous Chinese interpretation for His Holiness the Dalai Lama, His Holiness the Ganden Tripa, The Venerable Abbots of the Upper and Lower Tantric Colleges, and The Venerable Abbot of Sera Jey Monastery during their Dharma teachings.


Throughout the period from 2005 to 2022 during which Geshe Jampal Chozin served as a teacher and spiritual mentor at the Foundation, he devoted all himself to propagating the Dharma, especially that of Madhyamaka emptiness. He also committed himself unwavering and never dared falter to foster the religious and cultural exchange between Taiwan and Tibet. Upon stepping down from his post in 2022, he breathed a sigh of relief, as he knew the holy missions had been successfully passed on. He found immense joy in wholeheartedly serving the aspirations of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in his lifetime.


Currently, Geshe Jampal Chozin has founded his own Buddhist center, The Taiwan Mahayana Choekyi Gyaltsen Buddhist Center. He aspires and strives to achieve complete teaching of the Five Great Treatises in Taiwan. In addition to the Madhyamaka courses that he previously taught at the Foundation, he hopes to conduct classes on The Abhisamayālaṃkāra (The Ornament for Clear Realization)  and The Pramanavartika. In the footsteps of Master Tsongkhapa, as he wrote around 1402 in the Prayer of The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment:


“Where the supreme, precious teachings one is yet to find,

Or where they were once known, but have since declined,

There, through Great Compassion, may I stir people's minds,

And cause the treasury of benefit and happiness to shine!”


Like a wish-fulfilling Jewel, Buddhism Dharma prospers as a guiding light, inspiring the locals to embrace the path of enlightenment more readily. Geshe Jampal Chozin dedicates himself to teaching the Dharma as his sole mission in life and he is resolved to preserve and uphold the holistic teachings of the Nalanda tradition in Taiwan.